Urban Genetic



The project aims to respond offering an compositional and organizational system in an area of 100x100 meters, that guarantee:
1 - a consistent urban image, starting from the individual cell associeted with others;
2 - the creation of common use spaces with urban quality;
3 - the clear definition of an urban façade, which remains consistant while accur the inward expansion of the units;
4 - an idea of order and rationality that contemplates as a fundamental element, the beauty and the consistence of the composition;
5 - the incorporation and reefinition of principles used in the mark of the Favela-Bairro Project, by our team;
6 - efficiency in the use of the land;
7 - the treatment of the buildings and spaces introduced by the project, as potential motors of the desired transformations;
8 - protagonism of urbanism and architecture, with streets, squares and public spaces, buildings and qualified communitary spaces, articulated between them.