From Oedipus complex...

"A rua está em mim como um poema
que ainda não tenho conseguido decifrar em palavras..."
d'après Jorge Luis Borges

Exposição - "A Rua"

Street Love
I live in a megalopolis, and to me it's not just a place, but a practice of space, a way of life, a rhythm, a breath, a scenario, a poetry…
Not a text but a texture, a “co-production” in which the street life can be a level of vitality, liberty, animation...


Exposição - "A Rua"

Esta instalação no MHKA está relacionada com o projeto de estruturação sócio-espacial do Complexo de Manguinhos. Inclui a articulação dos aspectos físicos, sociais, ecológicos, de segurança do cidadão, artísticos e culturais.

A Rambla de Manguinhos conecta o novo Centro Cívico criado pelo projeto, com a nova estação Manguinhos do trem, através de uma promenade artístico-paisagística, um "penetrável" na escala metropolitana de 1.5km de extensão, atuando como um "conector de diferenças"; como um atrator de convivencialidade...

Exposição - "A Rua"

Favela: space constituted in time an by the time; is a living organism. In the favela there is a fabulous energy, a multiplicity of languages, ways of life and temporalities. A force that need to be interpreted...

It is necessary to move in the interface between aesthetics productions and socio spatial transformations, re-imagining the relationship between subjectivity and the world, establishing new "alliances" between communitarian intelligence, and institutional intelligence, approaching "listening" and "looking".

The art of the encounter with the other

The work of art as an enabler for new relations, of “encounters” based in the penetrability of an object and the space. Encounter between persons (local people and artists) constituting an element of dynamic agglutination, inventing the relations between the subjects and the world. Connecting singularities.

The work of art as space of intervention and reflection, intercepting as much as possible, art and life, creating conditions for a real action in the world capable of contributing for a better “dwelling”.

The work like a contribution for a collective elaboration of new ways, of a specific sociability possible for the work of art in the direction of a diffuse sociability in the general public space of the city.

Impulse for the confluence of theory and practice in the production of the environment of artistic character in which social and political aspects may merge with an esthetic fruition.

Looking for species of social sculptures, which Joseph Beuys talked about, now, articulated around the research of connections between fluxes and fixed, between the physical and mental precariousness of human constructions.

To force what already exists to become different, by amputating, substracting or altering it, to allow another form of transformations thing to grow; something unexpected.

Release the strength of becoming; to allow a continuous variation.

It is not about the representation of conflicts but about unfinished disfunctions. Instead of the opposition of contraries, it is the entitlement for one same thing to contribute to extend the limits of the possible.

It is the question of the deviation before what is consensual.

The qualitative sense different than the quantitative-factual one.

The political sense of art is to divert from the pattern, to extrapolate the measurement criterion already known.

Forçar o que existe a ser diferente de si, amputando, subtraindo, alterando, incorporando para permitir que outra coisa cresça, algo de inesperado. Liberar a força de devir; permitir uma variação contínua. Não se trata da representação dos conflitos, senão de disfunções inconclusas. Não oposição de contrários, mas o avesso e o direito de uma mesma coisa, contribuindo para alargar os limites do possível.

É a questão do desvio diante do que é majoritário. O sentido qualitativo diferente do quantitativo-factual.

O sentido político da arte sendo o de desviar do padrão, extrapolar o critério de medida já conhecido.

La cuestión en el arte (o en la arquitectura en cuanto arte) es el DNA sensorial; como cada uno registra, como cada uno reacciona; es todo una cuestión de "afecto"; de como somos, mas, o menos, afectados por la relación entre lo sensible y lp inteligible...

Jorge Mario Jáuregui