1. The relation between the city, the urban and public and collective spaces. 2. Tue question of (investigation about) different scales of intervention (territory, city, blocks, building). 3. The articulation of physical, social, ecological and subject problematic. 4. The relation between green mass and constructed mess. 5. The compact and dense city; multipolarized, accessible. 6. The “new Agoras”: interconnections between work, residence, cultural and sporting equipments, leisure and qualified public transportation. 7. The coordination and articulation of different instances of the public power: federal, state, municipal, different secretaries. 8. The social function of urban project (instrument for negotiation of conflicts) 9. The sustainability of the interventions: social (social uses and participation of population), economical (relation cost-benefits), environmental (relation with context, climate and behavior) 10. The good city, the friendly city. 11. The function of the intuition in the elaboration of the projects (reading the structure of the place and detection of its potentials). 12. The interpretation (hearing) of the demands (the dialogue with the residents). 13. The necessity of re-learning and reflect about the climatic passive modulators regarding local conditionings. 14. Investigations about low costs and expensive multifunctional units (work and habitation). 15. Recycled buildings, materials, technologies and conceptions… 16. Eco-sensitive city, with sensibility to the nature and social behavior. 17. The social sense of the interventions, and the question of to deal with political (time) and economics restrictions (quality) 18. The complexity of legal aspects (regularization of the land tenure) in the informal contexts. Jorge Mario Jáuregui |